Friday, August 21, 2009

Latest Drama

Okay, we are gone.. We have packed, moved and are no longer members of the state of Alabama. We made it to Texas!! Took us a few days, a few fights, and some car trouble but we made it! By the grace of god we made it.

Texas isn't that bad. It is HOTTER than hell. And my poor husband melts. Yes the man from south Gulfport melts! On the plus side, I've had great hair days since we've been here. I just avoid the heat and outdoors during peak sunshine hours.

Now for the Drama.... My husband has gotten a raise. Yeah right??? Nope... His gold digging, two timing ex-wife just found out. So now this Crazy ass women wants to go back to court to have the child support raised. I guess $750.00 for one kid just isn't enough for her. Plus not to mention that we buy the child school clothes and shoes and pay half of EVERYTHING else. No seriously, half if not 63% of everything else. Yet this Crazy dumbass woman thinks just because my husband bettered himself and is now making more money that she is in some way entitled to it. She does not need the money. The child does not go without anything. Crazy has money to eat out every night since she does not cook, and stop at Star Bucks for coffee every morning, so why is she trying to get more money out of my husband and me? Yes me too. In her crazy head, she thinks she can get some of my income. Granted at the current time that is a bog fat zero for me.

This woman just infuriates me to no end. And to top it all off, this crazy dumbass bitch will now not answer her phone and when my husband tries to call his daughter just gets her voice mail. No, unfortunate for us the dumb ass bitch is still alive. I know this because she will email me at least once a day to see if my husband and I have discussed the child support issue yet because she wants to submit the paper work to the courts to get it raised. Again she is crazy. She thinks just submitting a few sheets of paper that we do not agree to will still manage to get the support raised. ERGGGG I just want to scream at her….
But I come on here instead and vent all of my frustrations to all of you strangers so that I can calmly and peacefully tell her to kiss my ass that she isn’t going to get one dime more from us, further more explain to her that if the child is such a financial burden on her perhaps she should forfeit custody of the child to us, since we are paying most of her bills now anyway. What do we do?? I told crazy, no way in hell are we agreeing to any sort of modification and if she wanted to press the issue that we can to press the issue in front of a judge and file for custody of the child. Now mind you, this is the women who abused my husband’s two older children from his first marriage. And now that those children are older and have been seeking therapy I believe them speaking to a judge about their time with Crazy would defiantly help our case for custody. The only issue that comes into play is the money it will cost to fight Crazy. Crazy’s family has money, which is why Crazy has the child now. Well that and the fact Crazy stole the child one day when the father was at work, then 4 months later he deployed so there was not getting custody then without putting his two oldest on the stand, and 5 years ago that just was not an option. Now though… Now I am sure we could win. We have a stable happy home. The older kids do great in school. We have a big enough house, meanwhile Crazy lives in a one bedroom apartment and still spoons the child to sleep. YES spoons this nine year old little girl to sleep!! EWWWW right??? Remember Crazy is Bi-Polar and stops taking her medication from time to time… Anyway back to what I started to say. While I believe we could win a custody fight, a custody fight will take money. And that means taking money from our four kids that live with us. His two oldest he has custody of from his first marriage, and our two little ones we had….

What would you do? Would you fight this crazy ass woman for custody or would you just let it be and let her continue to use the child as a pawn? Would you spend money you didn’t have to get a child that doesn’t want to live with you full time? Granted when she is here she tells us she never wants to leave. But the second Crazy starts with the “mommy needs you so much, mommy can’t wait for you to come home” bullshit the child changes her mind and wants to go back….

Again, so confused and so lost as what we should do…. Have you fought for custody? Did you win, or was it just a waste of a lot of money and time…

Other than the drama from Crazy these last few weeks have been going good. I’ll be back over the weekend and try to make sure I write more often. Thanks for letting me rant and rave. I needed it!


1 comment:

  1. It's kind of a sucky situation. On the one hand you don't want Crazy to get over on your guys all the damn time and on the other it's like "another fight? More money spent on fighthing? more drama? When does it end?" So I don't know. If you fight do you have great chances in winning? seems so, esp if you can get the 2 older children on the stand. If you don't fight will seh constantly find a way to annoy the ever living shizzz out of you guys? YES FOR $500!!

    Good luck! And keep us posted.
