Monday, May 11, 2009

I must be going nuts

Do you ever feel like have a multiple personalty disorder?? My husband today stated this to me. He believes that I must suffer from some sort of MPD.... Possible I guess, likelihood of it not so much. My opinions just change, whats wrong with that? I'm fickle. So what what? If I'm bitchy I'm my evil twin. If the house is spotless I've turned into Bree, he's got a name for just about every personality he believes isn't me. Well I am all of those at times, but that is what makes me, ME!
Well if you would like to know more about me, please check out my two main blogs
Ramblings of a Stay at Home Mom

This is where I bitch and moan and vent about dumb people

1 comment:

  1. esta chevere tu blog...

    segui posteando...

    ahi te dejo para que lo cheques:

