Sunday, September 6, 2009

This is why we have no friends...

Have ever you, or do you have a friend that is always make piss poor decisions? One that will come to you consistently and complain about their current situation, yet repeats the same cycle over and over again???

Well we do. And we love him to death. He however is, let’s just call it a temporary loss of sanity, is choosing to be with a new circle of people; his new girlfriends friends. Still with me? Well this friend is still technically married and while his soon to be ex wife is currently being civil, that ball can drop at any time. Said friend is now with fugly. Yes fugly. So fucken fugly that the night this friend met fugly the bartender was throwing ice at him yelling “it’s too early to have your beer goggles on” LMAO so freaken true!

Well if it wasn’t bad enough that within two weeks Fugly is now attached to his hip, Fugly is also proclaiming that she now is in love with our friend! Come on seriously… But friend is being stupid… Friend is spending every night over at Fugly’s house. Friend is drinking every night at Fuglys. Maybe that is why he is still with Fugly, he still has yet to remove his beer goggles. Though I can’t blame him there, I think anyone who slept with Fugly would need to be wasted. However, this is a grown ass man, acting like a sex crazed teenager with no life. Friend has a good job, a job he might lose if he stays with Fugly’s circle. Yes they are that bad. They are the losers in the bathroom smoking pot, the people who think the grunge look is still cool, and the people who think bathing more than twice a week is a waste of water!!! Come on man, you are fucken thirty!!! Not nineteen. It’s time to play grown up! Grown men do not sit and drink every night after work and pass out on the couch. Grown men do not spend all Sunday in bed with a hangover; grown men do not go to work with a buzz from drinking the night before.It just erks me so much to see him make these choices. Well we couldn’t keep our mouths shut any longer after yesterdays incident. We had been invited over to Fuglys house for a BBQ, We wanted to be supportive of our friend so we went.

Well, we left rather abruptly when they took out the bongs and started to light up. I’m sorry I don’t partake in adolescent bullshit. My husband will not risk his career to partake in any nonsense or even be around it. Why the hell would we? We are grown ass people!!

Well today the shit really hit the fan. I called friends wife. Yes, I did. Might not have been the best move, but he left me no choice. He will still listen to her, and I thought that she could help. Well… So far all we have accomplished is pissing friend off. Which right now I guess is the hand I dealt myself. But friend needs to see that we are that worried for him, that we called her. The women who is keeping his children from him, the women, my husband despises, we asked her for help to pull friend out of the whole he is sinking in. So even if he is mad at us, he now knows we are right. He now can see just how much we care about him.


We try to be good friends, we do, but we are honest, and maybe sometimes to a fault. If you ask us our opinion, do not get mad when we give it. If you bitch about something, do not get mad when we show you how to get out the situation you put yourself in. It seems like all we have done for the last two days is deal with drama. I am so over drama. I know a few months back I was myself bitching about having no friends and being stuck in Alabama and hating it, but maybe being friendless was better for us, as we just seem to piss people off.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Latest Drama

Okay, we are gone.. We have packed, moved and are no longer members of the state of Alabama. We made it to Texas!! Took us a few days, a few fights, and some car trouble but we made it! By the grace of god we made it.

Texas isn't that bad. It is HOTTER than hell. And my poor husband melts. Yes the man from south Gulfport melts! On the plus side, I've had great hair days since we've been here. I just avoid the heat and outdoors during peak sunshine hours.

Now for the Drama.... My husband has gotten a raise. Yeah right??? Nope... His gold digging, two timing ex-wife just found out. So now this Crazy ass women wants to go back to court to have the child support raised. I guess $750.00 for one kid just isn't enough for her. Plus not to mention that we buy the child school clothes and shoes and pay half of EVERYTHING else. No seriously, half if not 63% of everything else. Yet this Crazy dumbass woman thinks just because my husband bettered himself and is now making more money that she is in some way entitled to it. She does not need the money. The child does not go without anything. Crazy has money to eat out every night since she does not cook, and stop at Star Bucks for coffee every morning, so why is she trying to get more money out of my husband and me? Yes me too. In her crazy head, she thinks she can get some of my income. Granted at the current time that is a bog fat zero for me.

This woman just infuriates me to no end. And to top it all off, this crazy dumbass bitch will now not answer her phone and when my husband tries to call his daughter just gets her voice mail. No, unfortunate for us the dumb ass bitch is still alive. I know this because she will email me at least once a day to see if my husband and I have discussed the child support issue yet because she wants to submit the paper work to the courts to get it raised. Again she is crazy. She thinks just submitting a few sheets of paper that we do not agree to will still manage to get the support raised. ERGGGG I just want to scream at her….
But I come on here instead and vent all of my frustrations to all of you strangers so that I can calmly and peacefully tell her to kiss my ass that she isn’t going to get one dime more from us, further more explain to her that if the child is such a financial burden on her perhaps she should forfeit custody of the child to us, since we are paying most of her bills now anyway. What do we do?? I told crazy, no way in hell are we agreeing to any sort of modification and if she wanted to press the issue that we can to press the issue in front of a judge and file for custody of the child. Now mind you, this is the women who abused my husband’s two older children from his first marriage. And now that those children are older and have been seeking therapy I believe them speaking to a judge about their time with Crazy would defiantly help our case for custody. The only issue that comes into play is the money it will cost to fight Crazy. Crazy’s family has money, which is why Crazy has the child now. Well that and the fact Crazy stole the child one day when the father was at work, then 4 months later he deployed so there was not getting custody then without putting his two oldest on the stand, and 5 years ago that just was not an option. Now though… Now I am sure we could win. We have a stable happy home. The older kids do great in school. We have a big enough house, meanwhile Crazy lives in a one bedroom apartment and still spoons the child to sleep. YES spoons this nine year old little girl to sleep!! EWWWW right??? Remember Crazy is Bi-Polar and stops taking her medication from time to time… Anyway back to what I started to say. While I believe we could win a custody fight, a custody fight will take money. And that means taking money from our four kids that live with us. His two oldest he has custody of from his first marriage, and our two little ones we had….

What would you do? Would you fight this crazy ass woman for custody or would you just let it be and let her continue to use the child as a pawn? Would you spend money you didn’t have to get a child that doesn’t want to live with you full time? Granted when she is here she tells us she never wants to leave. But the second Crazy starts with the “mommy needs you so much, mommy can’t wait for you to come home” bullshit the child changes her mind and wants to go back….

Again, so confused and so lost as what we should do…. Have you fought for custody? Did you win, or was it just a waste of a lot of money and time…

Other than the drama from Crazy these last few weeks have been going good. I’ll be back over the weekend and try to make sure I write more often. Thanks for letting me rant and rave. I needed it!


Saturday, July 25, 2009

This is what I understand from listening to CNN about Obama's proposed healthcare-reform program:

1. 93% of all Americans have some form of healthcare coverage.2. 80% of all Americans with healthcare coverage are happy with the coverage they have.
If I heard correctly, Obama's plan would extend coverage to 97% of all Americans, and will cost an estimated $1 trillion.

Part of the plan to pay for the healthcare-reform plan is to levy a tax on healthcare benefits that employers provide their employees; these benefits have heretofore been untaxed. Obama also says that he will not sign any legislation that increases the tax burden on the middle class.
Now, I am as certain as I am about anything that there are middle-class Americans who get healthcare benefits from their employers. Many of these folks make too much money to be exempt from paying income tax.
Taxing the healthcare benefits of middle-class, tax-paying Americans represents an increase in their tax burden. If Obama holds true to his promises - and nothing he has said so far makes me believe that he will - he cannot sign the bill into law, even if it were to pass both houses of Congress today. Yet he has told us that the healthcare crisis is so immediate - so gargantuan - that it actually jeopardizes our standing as a world power.
Thus we are faced with the prospect of spending ONE TRILLION DOLLARS (that's one times ten to the ninth power - a 1 with nine zeroes following) - above and beyond the billions spent in soi-disant "Stimulus" spending, leaving us with a deficit unparalleled in modern times - to increase the percentage of Americans with healthcare coverage by FOUR PERCENT (4%).
*Someone* tell me where this makes sense. Someone PLEASE perform a cost/benefit analysis on this proposal and tell me where it makes sense.
Now, in fairness to the President, a lot of people have called this proposal "Socialized Medicine", similar to what they have in Europe and the UK. (And before someone pipes up, no, the UK is NOT part of Europe; Britons are not Europeans, and they will tell you so very quickly.) Obama's proposal cannot legitimately be called Socialized Medicine because it fails the test of Socialism.
Socialism arises when the State takes control of the means of production in some industry. The Soviet Union (more correctly called "The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics") was in fact a Socialist state because the State controlled all industry directly. The State set production quotas for factories and farms, and assigned people to work wherever people were needed. (The Soviets used to brag that they had no unemployment; if you didn't have a job, they'd give you one - even if it was sweeping the street. No one likes to talk about how little anyone got paid, or how low their standard of living was - and remains.)
Obama's not proposing that the US Government assume direct control of the American healthcare industry; merely that it provide a healthcare plan for everyone. Uncle Sam would establish categories of diseases, injuries, and conditions, and decide how much he's willing to pay for each one. This isn't all that much different from what Blue Cross/Blue Shield or Kaiser Permanente does with their health plans.
The difference is that BC/BS and KP actually *negotiate* with the various hospitals, clinics, and doctors over these rates, and if the doctor doesn't like the deal he or she doesn't take it. What happens if a clinic decides it won't accept ObamaCare? Does the Healthcare Czar send troops? I don't know, but I suspect that there will be substantial pressure brought to bear to make the errant clinic fall into line with Obama's wishes.
There is a word for having the State exert its power over Business to make Business do what the State wants it to do, and to threaten penalties for non-compliance: Fascism. As in Benito Mussolini.
Now, the Left in this country has done an excellent of raping the English language (forgive us, Will Shakespeare!) and abusing it to further its agenda, but nothing they have done to the dictionary rises to the level of their expropriation of the meaning of the word Fascism. Call someone Communist, and the Left will rail against you unmercifully, calling you a "red-baiter" and summoning the ghost of Senator McCarthy; call someone a Fascist, and he's convicted.
Fascism it is, though, and Fascist is the agenda Obama is proposing. He wants to use the full might of the United States Government to foist this unnecessary "solution" on what is arguably the best medical system on the entire planet. He says it will protect our standing as a world power; that it will bring desperately needed medical care to the millions who daily pine for it; and that it's by-golly the right thing to do.
You think the Canadian healthcare system is wonderful? Fine; go live there. While you're there, ask your Government-owned MD where he would take his child for a heart transplant; like as not he will tell you Johns-Hopkins - which is here in the Good Ol' U S of A.
You hold up the British Public Health Service as a paragon of efficiency? I know where you can get a nice flat in Huntingdonshire. Just don't fall and tear your ACL; you may be in a wheelchair for months waiting for a repair.
Love German medicine? I don't know much about the German Bundesgesundheitamt (Federal Health Office), but I do know something about German doctors because I grew up across the street from a gastroenterologist who moved here from Germany.
Wilhelm's wife, Imme, complained bitterly for years about being here. She hated America and longed to return to her homeland. Finally, Wilhelm sat her down and explained it to her thusly: She could stay here in America - in Huntsville, Alabama - and live in her spacious, well-appointed, beautiful multi-thousand-square-foot brick home, sending her children to the finest private school in town, and driving her Mercedes or her BMW, or they could pack up and return to Germany, where they would live in a 4-bedroom apartment with no closets (they pay taxes on every room with a door, so no closets - only wardrobes), the kids would go to school with all the Muslim immigrants who were causing such trouble, she could ride the bus wherever she wanted to go (and riding a German bus in the middle of summer is worth your life, because water costs so much they only bathe twice a week), and he could earn $50,000.00 per year instead of the $500.000.00 he was making here.
She shut up and never breathed a word against America again - not the longest day I knew her.
The American healthcare system is not broken. It's not perfect, but it's not broken - not by a long shot. But if you're just hell-bent on improving it, I'll offer some suggestions.
First, make anyone who sues a doctor, clinic, or hospital pay the defendant's legal costs if they lose. This will drastically curtail the frivilous, baseless lawsuits that bedevil the industry and drive malpractice-insurance premiums through the roof.
Second, limit the elegibility for damages that a physician may have to pay under malpractice, unless that physician is found criminally negligent. (Fact: In Alabama, an Obstetrician must maintain malpractice coverage for TWENTY-ONE YEARS after he or she delivers his or her last baby, because under our laws the parents of an infant born damaged due to malpractice can sue the attending OB until the child is eighteen years old, and the child can sue on his or her own right until his or her twenty-first birthday.)
Third, pass laws establishing individual medical accounts (similar to IRAs) and make those funds tax-deferred. Let consumers draw from those accounts and make payment directly to healthcare providers and pharmacies without paying taxes on those funds. If they take money out for a non-medical reason, tax that withdrawal at 10%. Make those funds transferrable to surviving family members without tax penalty.
Fourth, get the Federal Government out of the way by returning healthcare issues to the various States and let the local powers deal with the issue. Congress has usurped too many powers from the States in violation of the Tenth Amendment, and it is time to return those authorities to their rightful owners.
The market can handle these things, but Uncle Sam has to get his grubby hands out of the way.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wanted my sanity back....

This weekend I made an amazing discovery for moms everywhere; something simple and yet totally ingenious. I know you will appreciate this find so much so that you will probably want to name a national holiday after me or perhaps even one of your children in my honor.
It was Sunday. I was vacuuming. No, really-I was. My sweeper was having issues, more even than a Mommy on a bad day. The machine was making a horrific noise. I knew that it probably wasn’t very healthy for a vacuum sweeper to sound like a Leer Jet, but then again, maybe the sweeper had a dream to be a US Destroyer doing a flyby through my living room. Who was I to stand in its way?
My house really needed this domestic duty since our cleaning fairy apparently took the week off. The sweeper was sucking so I would simply have to put up with the loud, annoying sound screaming at me-after all, I was a mother of six. On a daily basis I was subjected to things a lot louder-a lot worse.
My husband suddenly came behind me and unplugged my cord. It seemed he was concerned about the extreme sound coming from Old Betsy. Instead of using his engineering degree and fixing the problem he handed me something. Here, use these. I wrinkled my nose and rolled my eyes as he handed me a green cord with two yellow spongy things attached to each end-ear plugs. I immediately asked, “Are they used?” He insisted they were fresh out of the package. I requested to see the package.
I reluctantly put in the ear plugs; knowing that I would be heckled by my children for looking like a dork. All of a sudden, the deafening sound was quieted. Everything was softened; a muffled serenity had engulfed me. I could see my children arguing. I could tell that their mouths were forming the word MOMMMMMMMMMMMMM!-urgently on their lips. I simply pointed to my ears and shrugged my shoulders in feigned lack of understanding. They finally got the picture and left me be.
I swept high. I swept low. I was a sweeping diva. I didn’t want to quit; not because I had a sudden affection for this domestic duty, but because I was enjoying this soundproofed world away from the chaos that reigned around me. I finally faced the inevitable. I had faked vacuuming enough that my family was highly suspicious. I turned off the sweeper. I sighed and removed the earplugs. My children with their powerful super radar sensed I had made the removal…MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! I quickly reattached the yellow sponges into my ears; shook my head and mouthed the words; I can’t hear you…and walked away.
I may never remove these earplugs again!
Mamas I highly recommend getting yourself a pair. I really think I am on a road toward recovering some of my lost sanity. Yes, I admit that the earplugs aren’t overly attractive, but I believe if we band together the world will soon see them as a fashion statement; something hip, something new-fashionable and functional. I think I might even market them myself for mothers everywhere-Mommy Plugs; for moments of silence when the noise insists on following you around. Just think; no more will you have to try to escape the chaos. We can just blissfully ignore the noise!
Anyone want to place an order?
I can’t hear you…
no, really, I can’t!Buy the plugs today and I will throw in a Mommy Blindfold FREE! Your world could be perfect today…

Saturday, July 11, 2009

What a week....

My Mom and my half brother, my Sister and my niece all came down for a visit. My son who is now 2 is two months older then my baby brother. After a week with the two of them, I'm not sure how my mother hasn't harmed this child. He is SO bad. Gets away with EVERYTHING, I'm sorry but my children do not run around chilies, or applebees, anywhere, they are good at restaurants. Not my baby bro Jax, he is a nightmare, and my mother allows it. It took everything in my power not to spank him when we went out to breakfast.... I will never go out to eat with them again... well at least not anytime soon. My mother raised us (me, my sister and my other brother) to be well behaved, to speak when spoken too, to use our manners, to say please and thank you. My 2 year old does it, why my 2 year old brother doesn't do it drives me freaking crazy. My sister was also getting frustrated with them. Thank goodness I wasn't the only one.

It kind of really sucks though, because my kids will never have a grandma, their grandma will be too busy being a mom and chasing after Jax to ever really be a grandma. No weekends at her house, no summer vacations, nothing.... And that really makes me sad. I had always thought then when I had kids my parents would be involved with their lives, take them to story time, watch them once in a while, hang out with them and us and get to know them. But my mom got knocked up and now has Jax and that's never gonna happen. Yes they have my dad, but he's not the "lets go fishing" grandpa.... I don't know maybe when my kids are older he'll be different with them.... Is it wrong for me to be slightly upset with my mother for having more children? For not being a grandmother to my kids? We used to be so close, but since Jax she doesn't even have time for a ten minute phone call and yes that hurts. I'm her daughter, yea I'm 27 but there are still times I want my mom, or I want to call her and tell her that Ella started walking around the furniture and can say mama at 7 months, or that Henry can now count to 5.... But she has no time to talk to me, she's always rushing me off the phone to chases Jax... I know lame of me to want my mother... but I do... Thanks for letting me vent.

what a week...

My Mom and my half brother, my Sister and my niece all came down for a visit. My son who is now 2 is two months older then my baby brother. After a week with the two of them, I'm not sure how my mother hasn't harmed this child. He is SO bad. Gets away with EVERYTHING, I'm sorry but my children do not run around chilies, or applebees, anywhere, they are good at restaurants. Not my baby bro Jax, he is a nightmare, and my mother allows it. It took everything in my power not to spank him when we went out to breakfast.... I will never go out to eat with them again... well at least not anytime soon. My mother raised us (me, my sister and my other brother) to be well behaved, to speak when spoken too, to use our manners, to say please and thank you. My 2 year old does it, why my 2 year old brother doesn't do it drives me freaking crazy. My sister was also getting frustrated with them. Thank goodness I wasn't the only one.

It kind of really sucks though, because my kids will never have a grandma, their grandma will be too busy being a mom and chasing after Jax to ever really be a grandma. No weekends at her house, no summer vacations, nothing.... And that really makes me sad. I had always thought then when I had kids my parents would be involved with their lives, take them to story time, watch them once in a while, hang out with them and us and get to know them. But my mom got knocked up and now has Jax and that's never gonna happen. Yes they have my dad, but he's not the "lets go fishing" grandpa.... I don't know maybe when my kids are older he'll be different with them.... Is it wrong for me to be slightly upset with my mother for having more children? For not being a grandmother to my kids? We used to be so close, but since Jax she doesn't even have time for a ten minute phone call and yes that hurts. I'm her daughter, yea I'm 27 but there are still times I want my mom, or I want to call her and tell her that Ella started walking around the furniture and can say mama at 7 months, or that Henry can now count to 5.... But she has no time to talk to me, she's always rushing me off the phone to chases Jax... I know lame of me to want my mother... but I do... Thanks for letting me vent.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Drahdrah's Place:
Wordless Wednesday

Drahdrah's Place: <center>Wordless Wednesday</center>

so pretty!

Henry and the Oreo

My little man Loves his cookies!!


We’re going to rent….

We had thought about moving on post, but since post housing is now privatized it is an aggravating process. In other post that are privatized the management company has access to DEERS so the only paper work we need to fill out is one small sheet. But not at Fort Hood! There is a whole freaken packet of crap they need. Plus I need to send them birth certificates for all children, marriage licenses and a bunch of other nonsense that really is none of their darn business! Then to top it off Fort Hood housing ACTUS FHFH no longer includes FULL utilities! You now have to pay for electric, gas and water! BAH is supposed to cover the cost of housing WITH utilities! But not at Fort Hood! There is really no benefit to living on post in hood. Here at Rucker, Picerne includes ALL utilities, and ALL lawn care! That aspect of on post housing was great here, just the house we got sucked major ass! But now here, 80% of the homes are brand new and so pretty…. So housing here is pretty good…. But I digress… Long story short, we are no longer wanting to or will live on post.

So now renting…. Not something I am to keen on doing, but currently we have no other options… So renting adds another dilemma, what to do with the dogs. The only rentals I have found that allow pets seem to be in the not so great parts of Killeen, or according to there is a registered sex offender either on the SAME block or around the corner. If you live Killeen and can recommend a certain neighborhood that you know is good and pedophile free please comment on my post and let me know!

If you are a homeowner with rentals and will allow two dogs in the house, please let me know J We are looking for a 4/5 bedroom 2 bath house with a fence either in Killeen, Harker Heights, Belton or Temple. We will be there August 3rd!

Since it’s looking like we are not going to be able to find a home that allows pets, I’m pretty sure Brad’s friend Jeff will take the doggies and we will just go over and visit with them…. Henry is going to be so upset though, he loves his ZoĆ«…